This Friday we will be hosting an initial conversation with Dr. Milanez to learn about his work with indigenous and quilombola communities in the Brazilian Amazon. His work in political ecology and environmental humanities examines the relationship between different forms of dispossessions and aggressions to the environment and indigenous, and traditional communities' forms of resistance. Milanez is co-editor (with Beatriz Bustos, Gustavo Garcia, Diana Ojeda and Salvatore-Engel-Diamauro) of The Environment in Latin America (forthcoming, Routledge); and co-author of Guerras da Conquista (2021, Harper Collins). He has also co-produced a number of documentaries and film projects and he is a columnist for Carta Capital and Mídia Ninja.
Friday, September 17 at 4:30 pm at Libbie Lounge - Geography Building
or join us via Zoom HERE
Dr. Felipe Milanez is an Assistant Professor, with tenure, at the Institute for Humanities, Arts and Sciences, an interdisciplinary research center at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Milanez has taught at the Federal University of Reconcavo, Bahia. He received his PhD from the University of Coimbra in 2015.